In Ringkøbing you can find more than 1.000 free parking spots. More than half of them is without a timelimit, so it is possible to park as long as you wish. Remember to set the parking disc on timelimited spots.
Our tips to finding a free parking spot:
In the main season (June-September) some of the parkinglots may be full, while others have plenty of space. The parkinglots at Superbrugsen and the square will be full first.
Therefore it is an advantage to drive directly to one of the following parkinglots, where there usually are free spots: Den gamle skolegrund, Skolevænget only 250 meter fra city center. Toften (P-Syd) Enghavevej (by the cemetry)
Oveview of parkinglots in Ringkøbing
Super Brugsen Adress: Torvegade 9 230 spots without timelimitation
Den gamle skolegrund Adress: Skolevænget Ca. 300 spots without timelimitation
Toften (P-syd) Adress: Toften 75 spots without timelimitation 55 spots with 3 hour limitation (08-18), (08-14)
Bag Torvet Adress: Bag Torvet 40 spots without timelimitation 80 spots with 3 hour limitation (08-18), (08-14)
Købmandsslippen (behind Jyske Bank) Adress: Købmandsslippen 55 spots without timelimitation 45 spots with 3 hour limitation (08-18), (08-14)
v. McDonalds Adress: Søndervigvej 1 65 spots without timelimitation